Category Archive For "WELLBEING"
Work a Sutra-Tips for working from home (Part 1)
Working from home could become a challenge for many who used to go to the office every day.
What exactly is workplace wellbeing?
Sometimes it’s worth taking a step back from even the most widely discussed topics to consider what we might mean by them. This might be especially true of a subject like wellbeing, which as we have discussed elsewhere is one of those that gets talked about a lot and in such broad terms that we …
Adjusting the office chair correctly – 10 steps to workplace optimization
As people spend a large part of the day at their workplace, the topic of workplace optimization is becoming an increasingly important issue.
Some happy talk about the workplace
Measuring happiness is fraught with problems, not least because it’s a difficult idea to define both as a general concept and how it relates to the economy and to work. Lord Richard Layard, programme director of the Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics argues in his book Happiness: Lessons from a …
How office design can encourage people to do nothing except have great ideas
There is a famous episode of Seinfeld in which the character George is insulted in a business meeting and only thinks of a perfect retort while driving away from the office. This being George, he decides that he doesn’t want to waste his ‘killer line’ so engineers a second meeting so he can use it …
Feeling blue about work? We know the answer to that
Monday 20 January is ‘officially’ Blue Monday in the UK, ‘officially’ the most depressing day of the year for people at work. The anniversary is always met with a great deal of scepticism, largely because it is the brainchild of Sky’s marketing department who came up with the idea to publicise the Travel Channel in …
Agile working and the transformation of office design
The workplace has gone soft and I mean that in a good way. Over the past twenty or more years we have experienced the very welcome development of a much softer aesthetic generally when it comes to the design of offices. This process has accelerated dramatically in recent years as more and more firms have …
Wellbeing is now one of the most important drivers of sustainability in offices
As organisations depend more and more on the skills and knowledge of people for their competitive advantage and growth, so too are they increasingly concerned about the wellbeing of individuals. They may not have a magic wand to deal with the issue completely, but they do have more awareness and a growing number of tools …
A new and simple approach to wellbeing is reshaping the office
Arguably, no workplace subject is more talked about than wellbeing. This is understandable, given the ways work can affect our wellbeing for good or bad and the fact that the subject embraces a wide range of issue and disciplines. Our general wellbeing is defined by our physical and mental health, our relationships (both in the …