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Sedus at Clerkenwell Design Week

Clerkenwell Design Week (CDW) is London’s biggest design event and once again, Sedus UK will be taking part. From Tuesday 23rd to Thursday 25th May, the creative heart of London is overtaken by design enthusiasts, architects, manufacturers and the general design community.

The Sedus Showroom can be found in the heart of Clerkenwell, in one of the “Design Destination” locations, Brewhouse Yard. This year, the Sedus motto is “The Office Jungle”.

Sedus auf der Clerkenwell Design Week

Showroom events during CDW

There is a comprehensive programme of events planned in the Sedus Showroom with the office jungle theme threaded throughout. Each day, the UK team will be offering “Jungle Juice”, clean, fresh and invigorating fruit smoothies colour themed against the Sedus Colour Cookbook and the Sedus Limbic Office.

On the first morning of the event Sedus will be welcoming Konstantin Thomas, the product designer of the new se:air swivel chair. He will discuss, “How to design a new sustainable hybrid swivel chair amongst the “Jungle” of task seating”.

Later the same day, the Sedus Sustainability Leader, Simon Roquette, will discusss “Our journey to carbon neutrality by 2025.”

On days two and three, Hannah Nardini, founder of WKspace will give a talk on “Current and future trends in the workplace” (15:00 on 24.5. and at 14:00 on 25.5). In her talk, the workplace strategist will examine questions such as “How to accommodate the needs of a changing workforce to attract future talent.”

In keeping with Sedus’ commitment to sustainability and its history, there will also be a live cookery demonstration of recipes from Emma Stoll’s original wholefood cookbook on Wednesday 24th May at 17:00.

New products launched for CDW

Sedus will also be presenting new products at Clerkenwell Design Week – around the theme of “The Detox Office”. The new products and extensions are colourful, support a natural environment and create a feel-good atmosphere.

Have we sparked your curiosity?

Then visit the Sedus Showroom (9, Brewhouse Yard, Clerkenwell, London EC1V 4JR) between Tuesday 23rd and Thursday 25th from 10:00-18:00. Join the team in the ‘limited edition’ showroom, experience the new products & concepts and catch up with everything that is Clerkenwell Design Week!

For more information about our programme of events, please take a look at the Sedus CDW entry for this year,

Register for CDW here.

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