Sedus INSIGHTS N°17 – Digital fatigue
With hybrid working, digital tools and technologies are inevitable. Without them, productive collaboration becomes virtually impossible. However, another phenomenon is emerging: More and more people are suffering from digital fatigue and find it difficult to separate themselves from their screens. So what can be done to counteract this problem? The solution is not to ban or restrict the use of technology, but to encourage its meaningful use.
Reports, trends, solutions – all bundled into Sedus INSIGHTS.
New ways of working & new habits
Hybrid working is a model that is becoming increasingly popular. The reason for this lies in the possibility of combining the best of both worlds: the flexibility of working from home supported by the structure of an office.
However, the intensive use of digital technologies that this model entails is increasingly showing its negative effects.
The role of digitalisation in our lives has changed considerably in the last two years, because new personal and professional habits have been introduced and adopted. Many companies forcibly experimented with remote work, then returned to in-person work as soon as it was possible, and finally opted for various forms of hybrid work. In each of these phases, both companies and workers experienced a range of emotions and reactions as they had to reorganise both work processes and personal schedules.
Digital technologies and their role
Even before the pandemic, the majority of office workers appreciated the advent of digital technologies and the freedom it gave them to work outside the traditional office – as an opportunity to improve their work-life balance. In the hybrid office, access to digital technologies becomes a necessity rather than a choice, as does deciding which tasks to complete remotely and which in person.
While workers and businesses are increasingly able to manage these aspects, there are some factors that threaten an engaging and healthy work experience. The first of these factors is the fact that the number of tools, apps and platforms have multiplied. The more we rely on these tools, the more we realise that the multitude of apps and devices can distract us and affect our well-being, and not just at work.
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