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Sedus Stoll AG joins the Global Compact of the United Nations (UNGC)

The entrepreneurial conduct of Sedus has always included a holistic, sustainable approach to business. In our strategy, this means that “we take economic, ecological and social aspects into account in all our decisions.” In order to underline the position of Sedus Stoll AG with regard to sustainability, the directors of Sedus Stoll AG signed the Letter of Commitment to the UN Global Compact in May 2017.

The Global Compact of the United Nations is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative. Up to now, 13,000 companies and organisations from 170 different countries have pledged themselves to the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact. These 10 principles concern human rights, labour standards, the environment and fighting corruption.

In order to ensure continuous improvement, Sedus Stoll AG will, from now on, submit a yearly report to the United Nations on the progress it has achieved. By participating, we aim to foster achievement of our sustainability goals and gain new impetus as a result of the global networking of the initiative.

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