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se:fit brings movement to the office

Movement is good for the body and inspires the mind. The se:fit stand/sit stool enables dynamic and active sitting – at a worktop, desk and wherever a standing seat opportunity is welcome.

se:fit is both a stool and a seat. It can easily be adjusted in height and carried by its ergonomic handle in one hand. It therefore becomes an easily available seat which promotes healthy movement and crucially, posture change.

Are we better to work sitting or standing? Which is the best posture to adopt when working? The se:fit hybrid of stool and standing aid answers these questions, enabling active working with one product. The concave-shaped seat and the sloping edge ensure long-lasting comfort and a secure seating experience. Ergonomically designed controls allow the user to quickly and intuitively alter the height, with its generous adjustment range from 52 to 82cm. This range of gas sprung stepless height adjustment was carefully chosen to work in most situations.

se:fit can be used in so many ways, from a spontaneous meeting in the workplace, a stand-up meeting in the project room or even at the reception desk. se:fit is the perfect companion!

Design: Judith Daur (Sedus Design Team)

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