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Work a Sutra-Tips for working from home (Part 1)

Working from home could become a challenge for many who used to go to the office every day. The furnishings, technology and the interior design of the environment can play a substantial role in making the change as pleasant as possible. In order to keep healthy at work in the home office, it is important to take the organisation  of the work place and ergonomics into account.

Work-a- sutra is the study of postures at work. An awareness and understanding of the different postures at work can help us to be more active and contribute to enhanced well- being. Within this booklet are some tips to help you to be more effective in the home office, to take care of yourself and to keep healthy at work.

#01 Adapt a variety of postures 

In contrast to the corporate assigned desk, you are free to assume different postures during your workday. The human body is designed to move. Different work activities may take place by assuming different postures. A change of posture is beneficial for your health. A  phone call can be made whilst walking; an e-mail can be sent as voice dictation when lying on the sofa. Ergonomists generally answer the question of ‚which is the best posture at work‘?  with,  „always  the next“.

Tips to treasure:

  • You are not limited to the Profit from a variety of options. Change posture, even if only for a short break, every 20, max. 30 minutes.
  • Choose an appropriate posture for the task you are performing. For example: phone calls can be done standing or walking.
  • If you feel comfortable, you can even sit on the floor, as long as it is only a temporary position.

#02 An ergonomic task chair – the throne for a good posture

When working for longer times at a desk, a good ergonomic chair is a must. It should be adjusted in an appropriate way so that the feet are flat on the floor and the angle between lower and upper legs is 90°. The backrest should be adjustable, flexible and able to support the user in each position. The head should be in a natural upright position, similar to when standing. Such an upright posture is good for concentrated tasks. However, if this becomes a static, long-term position, it might be harmful. Therefore, it is recommended to move around and to lean back on the swivel chair from time to time. This has a positive effect on blood circulation and reduces the pressure on the intervertebral discs.

Tips to treasure:

  • Use a good ergonomic swivel  chair, be mindful of your posture and avoid slouching.
  • Stand up every 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Use the flexibility of the swivel chair and lean back every now and then.
  • Avoid sitting still for longer periods of Learn from children – they never sit still and are full of energy.

#03 Choose equipment to boost performance and foster good posture

Choose between different devices that are best suited for specific work activities. When performing concentrated work at the desk for prolonged periods of time, a separate keyboard, mouse and if possible, a separate monitor, are highly recommended. If you only use a laptop with a separate keyboard and mouse, it can be placed on a higher level to make sure that the posture of the head and neck remain in  a neutral range.

Tips to treasure:

  • Use a monitor, keyboard and a mouse at the desk.
  • The position of the neck and head should be between 15°and 25°below the horizontal. This is a neutral range to reduce strain in the muscles and helps to avoid neck pain.
  • Eye muscles can be strained when looking at a fixed short distance. Good advice is to look away from the screen now and then and look outside into the distance. This is good for the eye muscles and helps you to relax.
  • Try to have as much daylight as possible.
  • Get up every 20-30 Frequency of breaks is more important than the length.




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