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World Water Day 2023 – a precious resource for people and nature

Water – a precious resource more important than any other. It is the source and basic need of life. To emphasise the significance and importance of water, the UN has designated 22 March as “World Water Day”. The focus is on the high value of water and the fact that not all people worldwide have access to clean water and sanitation. This year’s motto is “Accelerating change“, highlighting the importance of cooperation on a national and international basis.

Reaching the goal faster together

The issue of water is also a concern for Sedus – which is why the company has been supporting the Surge for Water initiative for over three years. The non-profit organisation, which was founded by women for women, has set itself the task of providing poor communities with access to clean water. This includes sanitation, hygiene and menstrual health. This aid is particularly important for the countries of Haiti, Uganda, Indonesia and the Philippines.

Weltwassertag 2023 Surge for Water Wasser ist wichtig Sedus Weltwassertag 2023 Surge for Water Weltwassertag Surge for Water Sedus Weltwassertag 2023

In 2022, Surge implemented a number of projects and supported around 75,000 people with various measures, such as well construction, rainwater harvesting systems and water filters. Thanks to this commitment, a contribution is made to better health, an easier everyday life and a better future.

This year, Surge for Water celebrates its 10th anniversary. To mark the occasion, there will once again be a gala dinner and programme of events in December. HERE are glimpses of last year’s event.

Profits for society

Support for the Surge for Water initiative is one of several social causes that Sedus supports. Under the motto “We Really Care”, the company has set itself the vision of looking after its own employees and also people around the world. Sedus belongs to two foundations that pursue charitable causes. The Stoll VITA Foundation was founded in 1985 and is based in Waldshut in southern Baden, while the Karl Bröcker Foundation is based in Lippstadt. It looks after children and young people and focuses primarily on educational projects as well as medical and therapeutic projects and facilities. The majority of the profits generated by Sedus go to the two foundations, which support social and ecological projects in Germany and abroad.

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